
Hi to all–a very brief update on the new FIRPTA UPDATES (Increase to 15% withholding) 《外國人美國賣房 IRS 扣稅須知 》以下是此法令的大鋼: “所有外國人賣屋扣稅改調至15%”

12/18/2015 歐巴馬總統簽屬 the ”ACT”法令(Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015), 通過此法令代表 從2016年2月17開始, 將原先外國人賣房需與IRS的10%扣稅大幅提升到15%, 如果您有外國人的賣家, 提前讓屋主知曉所需要申報的金額是很重要的.

They believe the statute mimics the existing law and therefore the same limitation on a reduced rate applies–so only for principal residences. Hence if proper statement of intent is timely received from buyer–and only for intent to use as a principal residence–the rate is -0- up to $300,000 of amount realized, then 10% from above $300,000 to $1,000,000 and 15% above that.

除非買家填寫所需文件申報購買屋將成為自己的自住屋, 賣價$300,000.00 以下,屋主不用扣稅; 賣價$300,000.00不超過$1,000,000.00, 屋主只須扣10%稅; 賣價$1,000,000.00 以上 保持 15% 扣稅. — for more detail information please email me 🙂

以上文章由Olympus Escrow-Grace Chih撰文

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